* Fix bug that didn't disable text tool menu when graphics layout selected.
* Fix bug that incorrectly enabled Get Picture menu after using Run Mode if layout was set to all text.
* Fix bug that was sometimes erasing the picture after the Card Info window was used.
* Fix a file saving bug that was not saving a card's layout option if no buttons, text, or click areas are on a card.
* Fix bug that was not properly updating the scroll bar in the Script window after pasting text from the clipboard.
* Fix bug in Script window that was not properly resetting the cursor to an Ibeam after copying or pasting text.
v2.6 - 12/29/98
* Fix bug that could either disable or put styled text in About menu of compiled games if title of game contained certain characters.
* Fix a minor bug that would not allow rects to be drawn from right to left starting at right most part of paint area.
* Files are no longer considered unsaved after arrow keys pressed.
* Fix bug in pop up menus that couldn't handle certain symbols correctly.
* Added a hide desktop option to the Game Options.
* Can move and resize click areas by holding down the <OPTION> key.
* Sounds can be renamed.
* GameMaker Help menu item moved to the default Help menu in Mac OS 8 and higher.
* Now has 3 card layout options including the classic graphics and text, graphics only, and text only.
* Get Picture menu now has a <COMMAND> + <G> hot key.
v2.5 - 10/25/98
* Added ON TIMER and TIMER OFF commands to the scripting language.
v2.4.3 - 10/18/98
* Fix bug that was picking wrong colors and patterns.
* Fix bug when using variables in ALERTs if the variable was at the end of a sentence.
v2.4.2 - 10/14/98
* Fix some bugs with looping sounds.
* Now shows I-beam cursor in script editor window.
* ALERT command can now show the value of variables by using $variable$ in the text (example: ALERT You have $experience$ experience points)
v2.4.1 - 10/2/98
* Fix bug in DOMENU ABOUT command that incorrectly showed a syntax error.
* Fix bug that erased the card picture when playing QT MIDI files.
* Fix bug that was not recognizing the not equal sign (<OPTION> + <=>) when comparing variables.
v2.4 - 9/23/98
* Fix bug that was not stopping MIDI music when Run Mode stopped.
* Fix bug that was incorrectly enabling and disabling the Edit menu when Help window and Script editor window were both open which could cause GameMaker to unexpectedly quit.
* Activate the Help button on the keyboard.
* Can now launch GameMaker from a locked disk if the locked disk is not the startup volume. If you have any other problems launching from disks other than the startup disk, try pressing the <OPTION> key when GameMaker is launched (anytime while the splash window is open) to force GameMaker to save the temporary work file in the active System's folder.
* Add LOOP SOUND and LOOP MOVIE commands.
* Improve randomness of RANDOM command.
v2.3.2 - 9/15/98
* Fix bug that would not play more than 1 movie file.
* QuickTime files with sound track only (no movie data) including QT MIDI files can now play in the background while game play continues.
* Added STOP SOUND and STOP MOVIE commands to stop playing sounds or QuickTime files that have no movie data including QT MIDI files.
v2.3.1 - 9/9/98
* This time I really fixed the cursor bug when ALERT script used.
* Fix TOGGLE command bug that couldn't toggle a variable that hadn't been created.
* Improved error handling for RANDOM command.
* Fix bug in Quit menu when running a compiled game with minimal menus.
* Click areas no longer disappear when new click areas are being drawn.
v2.3 - 8/28/98
* Fix a bug in IF command that sometimes required variables to be case sensitive.
* Fix a bug that was sometimes not showing click areas after stopping Run Mode if click area tool selected.
* Fix cursor and statusbar bugs happening on older Macs.
* Help window and all other Apple menu items now work while script editor is open.
* Increase maximum lines of code per script from 20 to 100.
* Increase maximum amount of variables from 25 to 50.
* Now optionally uses ≠ (<OPTION> + <=>) in place of <> in IF commands.
* Added block IF…THEN…ELSE…END IF command to scripting.
* Added SWAP command to scripting.
* Added TOGGLE command to scripting.
v2.2 - 8/19/98
* Fix a bug in SHOWBUTTON command that was not showing the button in compiled games (only worked correctly in Run Mode)
* Fix a bug with cursors that was causing problems with card #250.
* Show arrow cursor when ALERT command used (previously fixed only GM alerts and dialogs, not user ones)
* Script editor window now has a Cancel button.
* Added a DOMENU command to scripting and allow New, Open, and Save menu routines to be used in scripts even if the "Use minimal menus" option was selected in the "Game Options" window.
v2.1.4 - 7/28/98
* If custom cursors are used in click areas, GameMaker now switches to the normal Mac arrow cursor while dialog and alert windows are displayed.
* Forward delete key now works correctly.
* Help, Home, End, Page Up, Page Down, and Fkeys are completely disabled to avoid unintentionally adding invisible characters in scripts which caused script errors.
* Fix bug when opening saved games in Run Mode and compiled applications that was creating duplicates of the built-in variables.
* Fix a bug that could cause several strange problems if a line of code has been autowrapped in the editor to use 2 lines.
v2.1.3 - 7/15/98
* Fix a bug that wouldn't allow custom color cursors to work correctly.
* Custom cursors are now displayed as "unknown" in the pop-up menu if they are not named instead of not displaying them at all.
v2.1.2 - 7/1/98
* Fix a bug that displayed a "No valid buttons" error message if there were no buttons at the bottom and the first of several click areas on the card had been deleted.
* Add some color cursors that can be used with click areas and support for custom color cursors that you can create yourself as "crsr" resources in you project file.
v2.1.1. - 6/25/98
* Fix a bug that didn't display custom cursors correctly in most cards.
v2.1 - 6/24/98
* Change User Ask so that "Incorrect answer" Alert is no longer displayed when answer is wrong and the "Go to card" field is empty unless you set the Alert to on.
* Increase maximum lines of code per script from 15 to 20.
* Now has 8 different cursors that can be used when the mouse is over a click area.
* You can create your own custom cursors to use with Click Areas by adding "CURS" resources to your project file starting with ID # 1010. Don't add resources to the GameMaker application.
v2.01 - 6/14/98
* Fix a bug in compiled games that was showing an incorrect counter.
* The Barvalue variable can now be set by the user.
v2.0 - 6/11/98
* Fix a bug that wouldn't launch another application from Card Info script.
* Fix a bug in Run Mode that displayed the message "Can't add any more click areas to this card." if there were 6 click areas and the player clicked anywhere outside a click area.
* Fix a bug that was not releasing memory when playing a sound in the Sound recording window.
* Now has a scripting language to customize the actions of cards, buttons, and click areas. See the "Script Language Reference" document for more information on scripting.
* Added an optional counter to the bottom, right of the window that can be used for things such as a score, hit points, gold, etc.
* Added an option to use the Status bar card when the bar is either empty, full, or never.
* Added an option to set the maximum Status Bar value to any value from 5 - 9.
* Pressing the <OPTION> key while using the brush, line, rect, roundrect, oval, and region tools temporarily switches the border and fill colors (border becomes fill and fill becomes border).
* Lets you select up to 3 custom colors for each project using the standard color picker window (16 colors + 3 custom colors for a total of 19 colors).
v1.64 - 1/8/98
* Now has 6 click areas per card.
v1.63 - 11/5/97
* Fixed a bug that was displaying a "Can't find card" message if the status bar option was turned on and the bar was empty, but not being used in current card.
v1.62 - 10/28/97
* Fixed several bugs in click areas.
* Fixed a bug on System 6 and old Macs that caused crashes while compiling.
v1.61 - 10/22/97
*Fixed a bug introduced in v1.6 that caused GM to ignore the card link in the UserAsk if the status bar was used with the UserAsk option.
* Fixed a bug that was not displaying the card picture if the most recent card had no buttons on it.
* Other minor fixes to the status bar in click areas and UserAsk.
v1.6 - 10/19/97
* Fixed a bug on Macs with multiple monitors where a window was being temporarily displayed on another monitor while compiling a project.
* Fixed a memory leak when drawing icons in the icon selection window.
* Fixed a bug that was sometimes not displaying the status bar in Create Mode.
* Fixed a bug that did not reset the status bar when creating a new file.
* Fixed a bug in the status bar which made GM attempt to go to the wrong card in Run Mode if less than 3 cards were listed in the status bar menu.
* Status bar now works on 9" monitors by displaying it on the menu bar on small screens.
* Last 3 cards are now defaults for the status bar, but user can still change them.
* Added 3 navigational buttons at bottom of window on 12" or larger monitors.
* Now has rectangular hot spots (click areas) that can be drawn anywhere in the picture.
v1.5b1 - 8/28/97
* Fixed a bug in UserAsk that was still sometimes duplicating questions to buttons in other cards (hopefully I really fixed it this time).
* Fixed a bug when using MacOS 8 that may have failed to display the icon in Alert messages.
* Fixed a memory leak when saving a project file.
* Fixed a bug in edit field that was not setting file to unsaved if text that was typed or pasted was same length as the selected text.
* Fixed a bug that was not unlocking a handle when importing MacPaint pics.
* Apple menu now stays enabled if Help or Clipboard windows active.
* Improved error messages for sound recording.
* All buttons in card 1 are now editable.
* Now has a status bar option in button scripts and UserAsk scripts (doesn't work on 9" monitors).
* Paint pallette window can now be opened by clicking a button at the bottom of the window on 12" or larger monitors.
v1.33 - 7/24/97
* Fix a bug in UserAsk that was sometimes duplicating questions to other buttons.
v1.32 - 6/25/97
* Fix bug that was checkmarking the UserAsk box for all buttons on a card if any button on the card had a UserAsk question.
* Fix bug that was deleting all UserAsk questions on a card if more than one question existed on the card and the user tried to delete one.
v1.31 - 6/21/97
* Fix bug with UserAsk option. If a question was longer than 64 characters, the answer was replacing the text from the question starting at the 64th character.
v1.3 - 6/16/97
* Fix bug that was not showing new card name if card name was changed in Card Info window.
* Fix bug in Run Mode that was asking to save on card #1 during "Open" menu action of button scripts.
* Can import SuperPaint v3.0/3.5 graphics files.
* Added a Paint Fill tool to fill in areas with the current color and pattern.
* Accepts "+" or "-" in the "Go to card" field of button and card scripts to go to the next or previous card.
* New option in card scripts disables asking to save during menu selections.
* New option in button scripts lets you launch another application.
* New option in button scripts lets you ask the player a question.
v1.2 - 2/23/97
* Fix a possible incompatibility problem with System 7.6.
* Fix several bugs with sound importing and removing which should hopefully solve any sound problems you may have been having.
* Fix error message "Clipboard too large to view" which sometimes happened when the clipboard was empty.
* Fix bug that was sometimes not refreshing the screen if the user quickly clicked in the paint window after closing a dialog box.
* Fix bug that would not display the About menu from button scripts in card #1 if Presentation Option used.
* Fix bug in Run Mode that replayed card info script if a button was pressed that did not change the card (compiled applications worked correctly).
* Help window and Clipboard window are less modal. They can now stay open while other windows are active.
* Minor changes to clipboard window when not enough memory to view.
* Can now import StartupScreen documents.
* Added an option to use the About box text as a splash window.
* Improved some graphics templates.
* Make some changes to the ring icon family.
v1.1 - 11/17/96
* Improved handling of resources for better stability.
* Fix bug in Run Mode which gave a "File Locked" error message when trying to save over an existing file.
* Fix bug in sound routines which sometimes caused the wrong sound to be played if a snd resource in the project had no name.
* Add a Do Menu option to button scripts so you can set a button to activate one of the menus when the user clicks the button.
* Add a Sounds menu to let you remove sounds, import sounds, and record sounds.
* Added a help topic for card buttons.
v1.04 - 9/26/96
* Added 3 user editable buttons to card #1.
v1.03 - 8/23/96
* If a sound is playing and a new sound command is encountered, GM now stops the first sound and begins playing the new one.
* Sound menu can now list 25 sounds (was only showing 24 plus "NONE SELECTED").
* Put a checkmark on the selected sound in pop-up menus.
* Fixed a bug that was not releasing memory after playing sounds.
* Undo menu has been activated for use with graphics.
* Faster, smoother flowing spray paint tool.
* Pressing the option key makes the eraser and spray paint tools smaller.
* Error message for "Invalid card name or number" in compiled applications now says "Can't find card" and cancels the action rather than quitting.
v1.02 - 8/2/96
* Fix problem introduced in v1.01 that could cause crashes when creating applications.
* Fix bug that incorrectly displayed a locked file message and sometimes deleted the file when trying to overwrite it when using the "Save as" menu.
* Add error message when trying to open a game that has card numbers that are higher than the maximum that can be handled by the current version of GameMaker.
* Added "Newer version of GameMaker is needed" error message when trying to open an unknown file format.
v1.01 - 7/20/96
* GameMaker can no longer be launched from a locked disk. This eliminates problems GM had when trying to use a temporary work file.
* Minor changes to eliminate occasional problems when creating applications.
* Improved memory management when importing a MacPaint file.
v1.0 - 7/11/96
* Add color to icon pictures when making an icon selection.
* Now has 36 Finder icons to choose from.
* Added 150 additional cards (250 total).
* Can play "snd " resources when clicking a button or opening a card.
* Can flip through cards after picture and text are shown, but before buttons appear to create animation or self-running presentations.
* Fix bug causing buttons to sometimes be unable to link to the most recent card.
* Fix bug in Clipboard window. If the clipboard was changed by another program while the GM clipboard window was open, the window continued to show the old data.
* Other minor fixes and changes.
v0.98f - 5/23/96
* Fix Edit Field bug that was introduced in v0.98e.
v0.98e - 5/20/96
* Fix memory bug introduced in v0.98d causing crashes when compiling certain applications.
v0.98d - 5/17/96
* Compatible with Macs having more than 16Mb of RAM.
* 16 color pallette (previously had 8 colors).
* Choice of 28 Finder icons (previously had 15 icons).
* Online Help.
* Opening & Saving documents is 3 to 4 times faster than previous versions.
* The 128K limit for imported graphics has been removed. Graphics are now limited only by available memory.
* Clipboard window can now display graphics larger than 32K.
v0.98c - 2/7/96
* Fix bug in "Go To Card" and "Run Card" Dialog boxes which was sometimes causing pictures to be saved to the wrong card.
v0.98b - 1/23/96
* Runtime shell for compiled games is now fully compatible with Macs having more than 16Mb of RAM.
* Fix minor bug in "Go To Card" and "Run Card" Dialog boxes which sometimes cancelled when "OK" selected.
* Fix bug that was not checking the color depth before displaying "Pen & Pattern" window in case colors were changed using the Monitors control panel. This was sometimes causing incorrect or no colors to be shown.
v0.98a - 12/2/95
* Fix bug in both GameMaker and runtime shell that was slowly using up memory and potentially causing a crash.
v0.98 - 11/19/95
* Choice of 5 additional Finder icons for compiled games (15 total icons).
* All Finder icons for compiled games are now in color on color Macs.
* Less screen flashing during refreshes and card changes.
* Improved "Save as" dialog box in GameMaker and compiled games.
* Create graphics with 8 colors (previously B/W only).
* Import PICT and EPS documents with 256 colors (previously B/W MacPaint & PICT only).
* Activate Text or Graphic areas by clicking in the area while creating your game
* Buttons enlarged to fit longer button names.
* Presentation option which includes minimal menus and changes to card #1 allows you to make stand-alone help files, presentations, E-zines, photo albums, etc.
* Added "Show Clipboard" menu item to display clipboard contents.
* Fix bug causing files to be corrupted if double quotes ( " ) were used for button names, card names, or document's name.
v0.96 - 8/10/95
* Added Region tool and Spray Paint tool
* Palette expanded to use all 38 standard System patterns.